Friday, February 5, 2010

Chicken Dinner at the Lohrstorfer Corral

Today was Mami's Birthday and Immunization Day for the kidos. So, this meant an ugly morning at the doctor's office. Five shots each and lot of screaming later, we were done. Diana was not one bit happy and I did not know if she would forgive me for letting this happen and Nicolas gave one of his well earned Spiderman stickers to a little boy in the waiting room as he left the office. This is the reason, Mami decided to fix dinner and celebrate her first Birthday at home with the ninos, Papi, Tio Ric and Tia Peggy.

After a few hours of lying on the couch watching Scooby Do and a nap for Diana, the ninos were ready to go. So, Diana and Mami started peeling vegetables. (That girl can peel a carrot in no time flat.) Papi and Nicolas decided to resume their gun fight, since Nicolas earned back his pistols. (He lost pistol privilege for a couple of days.) There is nothing like preparing a chicken dinner with an excited 10 year old peeling carrots and running out the door with them to see what Papi and Nicolas are doing or with a 7 year hiding in the laundry room and yelling, "ARRRIBA!" when he surprises Papi with his pistol drawn. You gotta love it!

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