Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Fun Than a Barrel of Monkeys

These kids are more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I'll give you the highlights of our trip so far. We have shopped every day. We needed jeans and shoes. Of course we needed juice, yogart, and chips, which Nicolas calls cheetos, no matter what kind they are. This boy loves his cheetos. They are a great bargaining tool along with the pool and the pesos that Papi gives them everyday. They collect them up and fight over them. When they fight I get them,"Awww Maammiii." Diana says and Nicolas pokes out his lip and tries to squeeze a few tears. Time-ins are starting to be needed. We sit on the bed and watch the five minutes pass on the phone clock. We eat lunch out or Papi gets something from the Cafe. Then another walk and the pool before supper.

The first day we were out Nicolas saw a lady on the street with a sick baby. I could not understad what she was saying, but Nicolas looked up at me and with a sad face said, "Awww." The next day he gave her a gumball for the little boy, even though he had put it in his mouth already. Then later both he and Diana put coins in the cups of the people they saw in front of the grocery store begging. Nicolas gave the lady with the little boy a peso as we went home that day.

Another day we were about to cross the street when a mouse came running at us. Nicolas, Diana and I all jumped and screemed. The people around us started laughing and the mouse ran down the middle of the street.

1 comment:

Renee said...

they are so charitable. that is really sweet.